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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

How to Become an AI Engineer

How to Become an AI Engineer?

This article explores how to become an AI engineer, defining the field and the position. It also details what an artificial intelligence engineer does and how and why you should become one.

Applications of AI

Applications of AI: 2024 Roundup

This article explores the many applications of artificial intelligence in 21st-century life. Additionally, the article defines AI and breaks down the various types.

Cloud Computing

how to become aws solutions architect

How to Become an AWS Solutions Architect?

This article explores how to become an AWS solutions architect, explaining what they are, the required skills, and who can and how to become a solutions architect.

What is AWS

What is AWS? A Comprehensive Review of AWS Basics

Amazon Web Services is one of the top cloud providers worldwise. But what is AWS? In this blog, we will give you a thorough overview of AWS and share how you get get the cloud training you need to start working with it.

About Us

The Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science is one of the fastest-growing and most vigorous engineering and computer science schools in the United States. Since 2008, the Jonsson School has doubled in size with the creation of four new departments and nine new degree programs, while maintaining an undergraduate student body whose average SAT scores are among the highest of any public university in Texas.